NYSWA News Archives

Meet Your Board – Emily McPherson

Emily McPherson has been a member of NYSWA for five years and is currently seven months into her first year as a member of the board of directors. But don’t let her short tenure misguide you…she’s been working in engineering and project management for the wireless telecommunications industry for over 10 years. Emily is a … Read more

Meet Your Board – Adrian Berezowksy

Adrian Berezowsky is the vice president of Dynamic Environmental Associates (DEA) and has over 16 years of experience in the wireless industry. He’s been a member of the NYSWA board of directors for over 13 years, served on the executive committee for eight years, and has been a member of the association for over 16 … Read more

Meet Your Board – Douglas Dimitroff

Douglas Dimitroff boasts an impressive resume. Having over 25 years of experience in telecommunications, he’s not only been a member of NYSWA since its inception in 2007, but he was also the very first President and remains on the board of directors today. Doug’s dedication to the industry and the association doesn’t stop there. He … Read more

Changing Technologies and Outdated Federal Case Law — How Municipalities and Courts Continue to Impede Essential Wireless Services: Flower Hill Case Summary.

Judge Frederic Block of the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of New York held on July 29, 2022 that the Village of Flower Hill, NY (the “Village”) and its Board of Trustees (“Board”) acted within its powers under the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (“TCA”) when it denied the application of ExteNet, Inc. (“ExteNet”) to install … Read more

Meet Your Board – Robert Gaudioso

Robert Gaudioso has successfully litigated wireless telecommunications and public utility cases in Federal District and State courts since 1995 in his role as Partner at Snyder and Snyder, LLP. At NYSWA, he’s a lifetime member and has been serving on the board of directors as Vice President and Chairman of the Educational Committee for over … Read more
