Meet Your Board – Robert Gaudioso

Robert Gaudioso has successfully litigated wireless telecommunications and public utility cases in Federal District and State courts since 1995 in his role as Partner at Snyder and Snyder, LLP. At NYSWA, he’s a lifetime member and has been serving on the board of directors as Vice President and Chairman of the Educational Committee for over ten years.

Take a look at what Robert claims is the best piece of advice he’s ever received and what he really wishes he would’ve been when he ‘grew up.’

Why wireless?

I started out by processing zoning applications for Nextel and Verizon back in 1995. Having graduated Law School with a Master of Laws in Environmental Law, the land use aspects of wireless siting fit perfectly into my educational background. I immediately realized that wireless had the opportunity to transform society and I wanted to be a part of that.

What do you see as the greatest opportunity for our industry over the next few years?

Connecting the unserved and under-served. This is going to be our greatest opportunity – and our greatest challenge – in the years to come.

What are you most looking forward to contributing to your role as a NYSWA board member this year?

This year, my goal is to reinvigorate the Education Committee. As Chairman, I want to collaborate with committee members and produce valuable content for our members. I’m also looking forward to organizing a powerhouse educational event in NYC regarding Fixed Wireless this fall.

How has your involvement with NYSWA impacted your career?

The volunteer work that I have done as part of the organization has put me in contact with a highly experienced and motivated group of experts who have expanded my professional and personal circle beyond what I could have ever imagined. I would tell anyone interested in getting involved to simply join a committee. The experience is very rewarding.

As our industry looks to the next generation of leaders, what would you share with someone just starting their career in wireless?

The opportunities are endless. The work we do positively impacts everything from telemedicine to distance learning to public safety. There will always be a new use case that justifies the need to expand infrastructure.

What is your passion? What gets you out of bed every day?

I know the work we do is valuable to society, and I recognize that the infrastructure will not be built unless we battle through adversity. That challenge inspires me.

What is something about you that most people are surprised to learn?

I wish I were an engineer rather than a lawyer!

What is the best piece of professional advice you’ve ever received?

That’s simple. Work harder than your boss
