NYSWA Stands With Ukraine

NYSWA Stands With Ukraine

For the past decade, The Ukrainian Institute of America has welcomed NYSWA to New York City for our annual Holiday Social. The Ukrainian Institute’s hospitality and generosity has been enormous. Now is NYSWA’s opportunity to say “thank you” and to stand with Ukraine, its people and the world during these incredibly challenging times.

NYSWA is donating $5,000 to Razom for Ukrainea partner of the Ukrainian Institute, and asks that any interested members do the same.

Razom was founded in NYC in 2013 during the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity and focuses its attention and support on the acute needs of Ukraine and its people. It is a 501(c)(3) organization and donations and gifts are deductible to the full extent allowable under IRS regulations.

Thank you to everyone who is able to contribute or participate in any way in supporting Ukraine.
