NYSWA News Archives

NYSWA-WWLF Event A Success!

Thank you to all for attending this event! The event was a huge success with over 200 participants and we would like to sincerely thank you all for attending and supporting NYSWA, WWLF and the greater wireless community through your participation.  NYSWA has received excellent feedback on the registration process, venue, food and the event … Read more

Wireless Forum 2013 Registration is Now Open!

Registration to Wireless Forum 2013 is now open! New York State Wireless Association’s 6th annual trade show and conference will be held on June 14th in New York City’s “Silicon Alley” at Pier 60. “We are excited to bring NYSWA’s annual show to New York City this year. We have an incredible momentum built up … Read more

Happy Birthday To The Mobile Phone: 40 Years Old Today

Forbes‘ contributor, Tim Worstall, reports today on the 40th birthday of the mobile phone. His article highlights the fact that the mobile phone, while a recent invention, has had the fastest adoption rate and that it may have done more to reduce human poverty than any other technology. Worstall provides the factual data to back … Read more

FCC Releases 16th Mobile Wireless Competition Report

PCIA Reports: Last night, the Commission released its statutorily-required Report on Competition in Mobile Wireless Services, which analyzes mobile wireless service market conditions during 2010 and 2011, as well as during 2012 to the extent data are available. The report also considers “downstream” markets, including wireless infrastructure and backhaul, and how these markets impact the … Read more

50 Percent Growth in Mobile Broadband in the Americas

On March 7, 2013 4g Americas released the findings of 3GPP announcing that subscriptions to mobile broadband technologies – HSPA and LTE – grew 50 percent in the Americas region to 274 million connections in one year ending December 2012. “3GPP mobile broadband subscriptions grew 50 percent year-over-year to end-2012 and now account for 32 … Read more
