NYSWA recognizes former long-time Board Members

board-postThe NYSWA 2014 Annual Holiday Social, held in Manhattan, was a terrific success by all measures. Most importantly, it gives us at NYSWA a chance to say THANK YOU to the many people and organizations that support our industry efforts within New York. During the program that evening, NYSWA recognized three former long-time Board Members that went above and beyond for our organization. These gentlemen, all founding members of the Board, were instrumental in laying the foundational building blocks for NYSWA. Their guidance and counsel is greatly missed. We wanted to say thank you to Scott P. Olson of Young/Sommer LLC, Joseph F. Tassone of HPC Wireless Services and Thomas E. Smith, formerly of Jacobs Telecom and now the President of Arrowsmith Consulting. Pictured from left to right are NYSWA President, Chris Fisher presenting Board Service Recognition Awards to Marc Anderson of HPC Wireless, who stepped in for Joe, and Tom Smith. Scott was unable to join us but was there in spirit!! Thanks again Scott, Joe, and Tom….we wish you well!!
