NYSWA News Archives

Wireless in New York – A Robust Economic Engine

Have you ever wondered what impact our industry has on New York State? How would you begin to quantify the impact? How many wireless professionals actually work in New York State?  And just how much tax revenue does the State and its thousands of municipalities generate from the mobile sector?  Can the amount of private … Read more

Happy Birthday To The Mobile Phone: 40 Years Old Today

Forbes‘ contributor, Tim Worstall, reports today on the 40th birthday of the mobile phone. His article highlights the fact that the mobile phone, while a recent invention, has had the fastest adoption rate and that it may have done more to reduce human poverty than any other technology. Worstall provides the factual data to back … Read more

AT&T Details, Upgrades, Investments

The Albany Times Union reported that “AT&T  spent $1.4 billion in New York state on both its wireless and land line networks from 2010 to 2012.” And that AT&T “made 1,600 wireless network upgrades in the state last year, including those that were part of the launch of its 4G LTE high-speed data service in the … Read more
